CBN Myanmar

Our Mission and Vision

The Mission of CBN is to reach the lost and prepare disciples through equipping and empowering the local churches to do mission in holistical approach. There are 3 main focus of our ministry: Media, Reaching out to the needy famlies and Children Discipleship. Our goal is to achieve a time in history when “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” – Habakkuk 2:14


  • Reaching Out 
  • Famlies Development
  • Children Dispicleship

Our History

9 years ago CBN has been positioning ourself as an organization that supports and equip the church to be involved with the community and participate in the reconciliation of all things. To do that, the church has the single strategy: the comprehensive (holistic) disciple-making process. We are blessed with over 900 church parters who has the same mission and passion to share the love of God and disciple the next generation.

Mission Impact

Reaching Out

Inspiring Lives Changed Experience the power of real-life stories, showcasing the hope and love in Christ.

Children Discipleship

Nurturing Young Hearts with Faith Interactive adventures, captivating characters, and timeless biblical lessons for children’s faith development.


Strengthening Families for Achievement: Provide parents with the tools and assistance they need to flourish, nurturing strong and resilient family units.

Sharing the Love of Christ Around the World
